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La presente Cookie Policy è relativa al sito (“Sito”) gestito e operato dalla società Idea Bitmap S.r.l., con sede in via Milazzo, 59 - 21052 Busto Arsizio –Italia , PI: 02599320120 (“Idea Bitmap”)

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Labor & Human Right

Labor & Human Rights



The Idea Bitmap’s employees are of great value and the key to our success. The Group must strive to provide a workplace where employees can fulfil their potential in an open and inspirational working environment.
We must maintain a strong commitment to high standards that deliver a fair, respectable and safe workplace for all employees in the Company.
The purpose of this policy is to define the labour and human rights standards to which all employees in the  Idea Bitmap are entitled, irrespective of the role in which they work.





Idea Bitmap S.r.l. is aware of the importance of safeguarding and protecting the environment, so it undertakes to provide adequate resources for the continual improvement of its environmental performances.

Business Ethics

Business Ethics



The Company is committed to operate all activities within the spirit and letter of all laws and regulations affecting its businesses and employees.  Employee must exercise the highest level of integrity, ethics and objectivity in their actions and relationships which may affect the Company.  Employees must not misuse their authority or influence of their positions in these relationships.